

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Find Him.

Mark 5:25-. This woman had a condition that men known to solve conditions had given up on but you must realise that despite such a circumstance she held on to the hope that one day Jesus shall pass by. The day came and there was a multitude following Him and she went through the crowd and touched His garment. To touch Jesus' garment she had to find Jesus first and to find Jesus she had to follow the noise of the crowd calling out to Him seeking help. When she heard the multitude she sought the location of the multitude, when she found the multitude she sought for Jesus and when she had found Him she reached for the garment. Now whatever that Jesus possesses has His power  : His word, saliva, hand ,garment etc. When you have found Jesus no matter how hard it is to reach out to Him because of the multitude around Him reach out for the closest thing before you belonging to Him : be it the word of God, praise and worship, taking care of the house of God, tithing, ministering...and surely you will get His attention, for by touching His possessions you are touching Him.

The woman had to find her way to Him despite what the multitude said about her and her condition,  she was driven by the faith in Jesus' power of healing. Her faith in the garment healed her...not just he garment. Have faith in what God has put before you that it will be more than enough for to fulfill the desire of your heart but focus on the garment and not on the condition...focus on the effort you put in reaching because you may just get the hem of His garment and be healed, therefore by your faith in His garment you will get His attention. Amen.

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